How Do I Enroll In the Program?
It’s simple — go to and simply begin the enrollment process. You will find all the information you need on that site to get started.
How Do I Change My Password?
To change your password, simply type in your current password in the password field; then type in your new password in the new password and confirm new password fields. Then, click on Change Password.
The password must be at least 6 characters (a mix of alpha and numeric characters is best). The password is case‐sensitive.
I Have Questions — How Do I Contact You?
GM Service and Repair Insights Program Headquarters (CCA Insights) is here to help you. Contact us at 1‐800‐931‐7478 or e‐mail us at, if you need assistance.
How Do I Enroll In This Great Program?
To enroll your business, simply click on the Enroll Tab at the top of the page on and find your business in the top bar, a drop down menu should show your business. Choose your business and enter your information. You can then choose which part of the program your business would like to participate in. Choose AUTHORIZE ENROLLMENT and you will be enrolled in the program. You will receive a confirmation email and a link to begin your personalization in this wonderful program.
How Do I Get Started With My Personalization Choices? has a Getting Started Guide to help you learn and begin your personalization choices for the communications.
How Do I Add or Change a Coordinator?
If you are logged in as a user, you will be able to add, delete or change users for your business. Go to the Coordinators tab to make coordinator changes.
To add a coordinator, click on the Add a Coordinator button and complete all required fields, and submit.
To delete a coordinator, check the remove box next to the coordinator’s name you wish to delete and submit.
How Do I Make Our Promotion Selections?
Click on the drop‐down list under the Service and Repair headings to view promotions/messages available to you. Once selected, click on UPDATE PROMOTION to view a rendering of the promotion you have chosen.
What is My Business Profile?
This information (dealership name, address, website and e‐mail addresses, logo, and marketing messages) is common for all communications — fill in the information as you would like it to appear in your communications to your customers.
You can upload a logo to us by sending a 600 dpi file in either TIFF, PDF, EPS, JPEG or PNG file format to and we will upload it to the site for you within 48 hrs.
How Do I Navigate the Site? is designed to be easy and intuitive to use. Throughout the site you will always see the navigation bar at the top to navigate to different personalization choices. You will also see drop‐down menus — these have been used to help you through your business personalization and make this process easy for you.
As you begin your personalization process, you will see UPDATE buttons after each selection. Always make sure to click on UPDATE on each page after making choices and before moving on to another section. When a section needs changes, you can continue to make new selections and click on UPDATE to see the change and make sure it has been saved for you.
What Happens If I Do Not Make My Promotion and Audience Selections?
If the deadline has passed and we do not hear from you, we will use the information previously given to us from your business along with an appropriate promotion/message for your business.
How Do I Approve my Personalization Choices?
Choose the Navigation Bar at the top of the menu to see your final choices. This is your final approval for your next set of quarterly communications. Please review all before submitting for final approval. You can print off this page for review or future reference.
You can go back and make any changes you may need after reviewing this page. Once you approve, you will only be able to update your information for this communication cycle by calling our program headquarters at 1‐800‐931‐7478.
Can I See Previous Personalization Choices?
Upon entering the site for each quarter, your previous issue’s business information and choices will appear. You should review each section and make any necessary changes before final approval.
Who Will Be Receiving These Communications?
We have a robust database of over 200,000 independent service centers and body/repair shops in the US that you can choose from. It is your choice – you can either choose a mile radius from your business to send to; make your selections one business at a time or upload your own database to us to begin sending communications to. Our Program Headquarters specialist would be happy to help you through this process.
How Do I Pay For This Program?
This program is available for reimbursement funds for all business enrolled (iMR/APF) and 98% of the participating businesses use their coop funds for this program. Under the Audience Selection tab you will see a Billing tab. This is where you can make your billing selection. We can bill you under your coop funds or your Open Parts account. If you do not have coop funds available, the charges will be sent to your Open Parts account.

© 2025 CCA Insights Program, General Motors.
The data collected on this site is used for the sole purpose of supporting the Service and Repair Insights Program.